SSC Pre-Intermediate

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Short-term Spoken Chinese Pre-Intermediate.

yī dàn一旦one day; some day

sān jiǎo liàn ài三角恋爱love triangle

gè bié个别individual; a couple of

wéi shēng为生make a living

zhǔ dòng主动act on one's own initiative; initiative

mǎi dān买单voucher of purchase; pay a bill

jiāo wǎng交往associate

qīn wěn亲吻kiss

qīn rè亲热affectionate; show love through action

tǐ huì体会learn/know from experience; understanding

hé bì何必why

cè miàn侧面side; aspect

qīng xiàng倾向prefer; tendency

piān jiàn偏见bias

chōng mǎn充满cram; brim with

guān jiàn关键door bar; key

yǎng huo养活support; raise

zài hūn再婚remarry

chū tóu出头do something in person; be released

fēn shǒu分手say good-bye

biè niu别扭disagreeable; difficult to deal with

lì suǒ néng jí力所能及as one's capacity allows

dòng dàng动荡rock; turbulence

dān shēn单身unmarried; live alone

fǎn ér反而instead

fā huī发挥bring into play; elaborate

shòu zuì受罪endure hardships, tortures, rough conditions, etc.

xù jiù叙旧have a chat over the old days

hòu guǒ后果consequence

hán hu含糊vague; careless

hán xù含蓄contain; implicit

hé hǎo和好in harmony; become reconciled

pǐn zhì品质character; quality

quān zi圈子circle; clique

zài yú在于lie in; be determined by

dì qiú cūn地球村global village

tǎn shuài坦率blunt

jī chǔ基础base; basis

fù hūn复婚remarry

wài sheng外甥sister's son; grandson

shē wàng奢望extravagant hopes; attach an extravagant hope to

nìng kě宁可would rather

shěn měi审美appreciate the beautiful

duì dài对待approach

xiǎo quān zi小圈子small social circle; clique

píng dàn平淡insipid

yìng chou应酬treat with courtesy; dinner party

kāi xīn开心happy; amuse oneself at one's expense

bǐ cǐ彼此each other; me too or you too

dé zuì得罪displease

liàn ài恋爱love; love affair

chéng jiā成家get married; become a recognized expert in a branch of art or science

shǒu duàn手段means; trick

dǎ jià打架come to blows

yōng bào拥抱embrace

pīn mìng拼命risk one's life; do one's best

yáo gǔn yuè摇滚乐rock and roll

sā huǎng撒谎lie

yǒu lì有利advantageous

gōu tōng沟通link up

yuán quán源泉source; source

liè rì烈日burning sun

áo yè熬夜stay up all night

dú shēn独身separated from one's family; unmarried

shèn zhì甚至even to the extent that; so far as to

dēng jì登记register

kàn zhòng看重value

sī rén私人private; person-to-person

jī jí积极positive; active

wěn dìng稳定stable; stabilize

jìng zhēng竞争compete/contend

nà mèn r纳闷儿be perplexed

jié zhàng结账settle accounts

quē fá缺乏lack

měi mǎn美满happy and complete

zì ran自然natural

fàn wéi范围scope; limit the scope of

biǎo bái表白express

biǎo lù表露reveal

móu shēng谋生make a living

chèntaking advantage of; possess

tiào cáo跳槽leave its own manger to eat at another; job-hop

guò dù过渡transit

chí zǎo迟早early or late

shì dàng适当suitable

bì miǎn避免avoid

mò shēng陌生strange

suí kǒu随口speak thoughtlessly or casually

zhàng ài障碍barrier

gé mìng革命carry out a revolution; revolutionary

mèi lì魅力charm

zhǔ chí rén主持人anchorman/anchorwoman

shàng wèi尚未not yet

huī hàn rú yǔ挥汗如雨drip with sweat

dà huò lín tóu大祸临头Disaster is hanging over one.

shuō fú lì说服力persuasion

bān yùn gōng搬运工porter

diàn qì gōng chéng电气工程electric work

róng rù融入integrate into

tán hūn lùn jià谈婚论嫁it's time to get married