New HSK level 789-1

Chinese textbooks
New HSK 2022 level 789 part 1.

biàn lì diàn便利店convenience store

biàn jié便捷convenient; nimble

biàn dào便道shortcut; pavement

biàn fàn便饭potluck; have a simple meal

bǎo yòu保佑bless

bǎo xiū保修guarantee; maintain

bǎo nuǎn保暖keep warm

bǎo zhì qī保质期best-before date

bǎo zhòng保重take care of oneself

bǎo zhàng保障ensure; guarantee

bǎo xiān保鲜keep fresh

bēi bǐ卑鄙contemptible; humble

biàn huàn mò cè变幻莫测changeable

biàn yì变异variate; a change that is different from the original situation

biàn zhì变质go bad; metamorphism

biàn qiān变迁vicissitudes

biàn gé变革transform; transformation

bǎo lěi堡垒fort; diehard

bì huà壁画fresco

bèi yòng备用reserve

bèi kè备课prepare for a lecture

bèngo straight towards; be busy running about

bēn bō奔波rush about

bēn fù奔赴hurry off for

bēng kuì崩溃collapse

bì bìng弊病malady; drawback

bì duān弊端abuse

bì dìng必定be bound to; be certain to

bēi āi悲哀grieve

bēi huān lí hé悲欢离合vicissitudes of life

bēi tòng悲痛sorrowful

bēi guān悲观pessimistic

bàoreport; newspaper

bào tíng报亭news kiosk

bào chóu报仇avenge

bào fù报复revenge

bào fèi报废report something as worthless; scrap

bào shè报社general office of a newspaper

bào chou报酬reward

bào xiāo报销submit an expense account; hand in a list of expended articles

bào fù抱负ambition

bào lì暴利sudden huge profits

bào zào暴躁irritable

bào fēng zhòu yǔ暴风骤雨violent storm

bào guāng曝光expose; exposure

běn fèn本分one's duty/part/obligation/job; be content with one's lot

běn xìng本性innate nature

běn yì本意original idea

běn zhe本着in the light of

běn néng本能instinct; instinctive

běn sè本色distinctive/intrinsic character

běn qián本钱capital; qualification, ability, condition, etc. that one can rely on

bǐ yù比喻compare one to another; metaphor

bǐ shi比试have a competition/contest; make gestures

bào lěng mén爆冷门win unexpectedly

bào mǎn爆满be filled to capacity

bào zhú爆竹cracker

bēian upright stone tablet; monument

bì lǜ碧绿dark green

bèn dàn笨蛋idiot

bèn zhòng笨重heavy; burdensome

bēngstretch/draw tight; spring up

bēng dài绷带bandage

biān xiě编写compile; compose

biān jù编剧write a play, scenario, etc.; playwright

biān hào编号number; serial number

biān pái编排arrange; write and rehearse

biān zào编造compile; create out of one's imagination

bèi pàn背叛betray

bèi sòng背诵recite

bèi miàn背面reverse side; back


bèi ké贝壳shell

biǎn zhí贬值depreciate; devalue

bèngjump; appear suddenly

biàn bié辨别differentiate

biàn rèn辨认make out


biàn hù辩护argue in favour of; defend himself

biàn jiě辩解justify

biàn zi辫子plait; handle

biān jiè边界boundary

biān jiāng边疆frontier

biān yuǎn边远outlying

bī zhēn逼真lifelike; clear

bī jìn逼近approach

bī pò逼迫force

biàn bù遍布spread all over

bì shǔ避暑avoid/escape summer heat; avoid/prevent sunstroke

bì nàn避难take refuge

bǐ shì鄙视despise

biān pào鞭炮firecrackers; string of small firecrackers

biān cè鞭策urge on

bí tì鼻涕nasal mucus

bèi shòu备受deeply influenced by

bì bù kě shǎo必不可少essential

bǐ bǐ jiē shì比比皆是be great in number

bèi bǔ被捕be arrested

bǐ bù shàng比不上can’t compare with

bǐ qǐ比起make a comparison