Common separable words HSK 5

Here are all the common separable words in HSK 5.

shàng zhuāng上装put on make up; jacket

shàng zhèn上阵go into battle; take part in a match

kuī běn亏本lose money

jiāo zhàn交战fight

huì zhěn会诊hold a consultation

zuò è作恶do evil

tōu lǎn偷懒loaf on the job

tōu shuì偷税deliberately not pay tax, or pay less tax than required

miǎn shuì免税be exempt from taxation; tax free

jiǎn chǎn减产reduce output

chū jià出嫁get married

chū tíng出庭appear before the court

liè xí列席attend without the right to vote

dòng wǔ动武use force

huà zhuāng化装get in costume; disguise oneself

fǎn wèi反胃regurgitate; bore

fā kuáng发狂go mad; fierce and violent

fā méi发霉go moldy; old-fashioned

chī sù吃素avoid eating meat and fish; mean no harm

chuī fēng吹风be in a draught; blow-dry

gào zhuàng告状bring a lawsuit against somebody; lodge a complaint against somebody with his superior

shī zú失足take a wrong step in life; lose one's footing

shǒu mén守门keep goal; be on duty at the door or gate

ān shén安神calm/soothe the nerves; relieve uneasiness of body and mind

dìng xíng定型fall into a pattern

shè mén射门shoot

jìn zhí尽职fulfil one's duty

gàn diào干掉get rid of

píng fǎn平反rehabilitate

píng dì平地smooth land; level the ground/land

kāi zhàn开战open hostilities; start a fierce fight

kāi hù开户establish an account

zhēng bīng征兵conscript

zhí qín执勤be on duty

chōu qiān抽签draw by lot

pāi xì拍戏shoot a TV play

pāi shǒu拍手applaud

huàn jiè换届re-elect when a term of office expires

jiē wěn接吻kiss

tuī dǎo推倒push over/down; cancel

tí shén提神refresh oneself

chā zuǐ插嘴interrupt

chā duì插队cut in a line; go to live and work in a production team

bǎi shǒu摆手shake/wave one's hand; gesture

mō dǐ摸底try to know the real situation; sound/feel somebody out

gǎi bǎn改版revise an existing edition of a publication or redesign a webpage; correct typesetting

jiù huǒ救火fight a fire

zhěng xíng整形perform plastic surgery

qiàn kuǎn欠款owe a debt; balance due

bǐ wǔ比武demonstration of and competition in military skills

huì kuǎn汇款remit money; remittance

zhì shuǐ治水regulate rivers and watercourses

táo jīn淘金pan for gold; try to make high profits

huá bīng滑冰skating; glide/skate/slide on ice

gǔn dàn滚蛋get out

xiàn jì献计offer advice

dēng tái登台mount a platform; enter the political arena

shěng shì省事facilitate/simplify matters; handy

pèng tóu碰头meet and discuss; meet/see each other

lì gōng立功do a deed of merit

lì zhì立志resolve

dá juàn答卷answer the questions or solve the problems in an examination/a test paper; completed test paper

liàn bīng练兵drill soldiers; professional training

jié bàn结伴go with

jiē guǒ结果fructify

rào dào绕道make a detour

huǎn bù缓步walk slowly

suō shuǐ缩水shrink; reduce

quē dé缺德wicked

fān tiān翻天be vehement/wild; overthrow the government

fān liǎn翻脸turn against

yù miáo育苗grow seedlings

bèi shū背书recite a lesson from memory; sign an endorsement

xíng jūn行军march

zhuǎn yè转业be transferred to civilian work; change production

zhuǎn wān转弯turn; change one's view

huán shǒu还手strike back

shù zhí述职report on one's work

tuì xué退学discontinue one's schooling

tuì huǒ退火losing original hardness when exposed to heat; anneal

táo mìng逃命run for one's life

tòu qì透气ventilate; breathe freely

zào fǎn造反revolt

pèi duì配对form/make a pair; mate

pèi liào配料charge mixture; burden

pèi jué配角appear with another leading player; supporting role

pèi yīn配音dub

cǎi kuàng采矿excavate

shǎn shēn闪身dodge; walk sideways

gé yīn隔音insulate against sound/noise

jí yóu集邮collect stamps; philately

lǐng tóu领头take the lead

xià qí下棋play chess

chōng qì充气inflate

rù kù入库be laid up; enter data into computer files

rù hù入户enter somebody's house; obtain a residence permit

tǐng zhí挺直erect; hold erect

dǎ gǔn打滚roll about; live in the same place for a long time

méi jiù没救incorrigible

yǒu gēn有根have a firm foundation