Common idioms and proverbs L3

Here are all the common idioms and proverbs for students at level 3.

yī míng jīng rén一鸣惊人amaze the world with a single brilliant feat

wàn zǐ qiān hóng万紫千红in a blaze of color; thriving

wàn mǎ bēn téng万马奔腾ten thousand horses galloping ahead

bù lù shēng sè不露声色keep one's countenance

yǔ shì cháng cí与世长辞depart from the world forever

liǎng quán qí měi两全其美satisfy both sides

rén shēng dǐng fèi人声鼎沸a hubbub/babel of voices

chū fēng tou出风头show off

chū chū máo lú初出茅庐at the beginning of one's career

qián fù hòu jì前赴后继advance wave upon wave

gōng chéng míng jiù功成名就accomplish both success and fame

kǒu ruò xuán hé口若悬河speak volubly

tóng zhōu gòng jì同舟共济cross a river in the same boat

hán xīn rú kǔ含辛茹苦endure all kinds of hardships

dāi ruò mù jī呆若木鸡be dumb as a wooden chicken

hū fēng huàn yǔ呼风唤雨summon wind and rain; stir up trouble

xiǎng chè yún xiāo响彻云霄resound across the heavens

sì miàn chǔ gē四面楚歌be utterly isolated

guó tài mín ān国泰民安the country is prosperous and the people are at peace

chǔ biàn bù jīng处变不惊have the presence of mind in the face of a crisis

dà mú dà yàng大模大样ostentatiously

rú hǔ tiān yì如虎添翼with might redoubled

jí è rú chóu嫉恶如仇hate evil as one does one's enemy

jiāng xīn bǐ xīn将心比心judge another person's feelings by one's own

chóng shān jùn lǐng崇山峻岭precipitous mountains

zuǒ gù yòu pàn左顾右盼look around

yìng jiē bù xiá应接不暇deluged

kāi tiān pì dì开天辟地a Chinese mythology, the world came into being after Pan Gu separated earth from heaven; dawn of history

xíng dān yǐng zhī形单影只be extremely lonely

ēn jiāng chóu bào恩将仇报requite kindness with enmity

wéi miào wéi xiào惟妙惟肖remarkably true to life

suǒ xiàng pī mǐ所向披靡be invincible/irresistible

suǒ xiàng wú dí所向无敌unrivalled

dǎ yóu jī打游击engage in guerrilla warfare; work, eat, live or sleep at no fixed place

zhěng zhuāng dài fā整装待发be ready to start out

wén zhì bīn bīn文质彬彬gentle

wú jiān bù cuī无坚不摧all-conquering

wú è bù zuò无恶不作be as wicked as possible

hūn tiān hēi dì昏天黑地in pitch darkness; dizzy

wàng zǐ chéng lóng望子成龙have high hopes for one's children

héng qī shù bā横七竖八higgledy-piggledy

cǐ qǐ bǐ luò此起彼落rise one after another

hàn mǎ gōng láo汗马功劳distinctions won in battle; one's contributions in work

qiǎn cháng zhé zhǐ浅尝辄止stop after gaining a little knowledge

hào rú yān hǎi浩如烟海tremendous amount of

fú guāng lüè yǐng浮光掠影cursory

hú guāng shān sè湖光山色a landscape of lakes and mountains

huà lóng diǎn jīng画龙点睛bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes

bái yī tiān shǐ白衣天使angels in white

bǎi fā bǎi zhòng百发百中be a crack shot; surely succeed

shén chū guǐ mò神出鬼没appear and disappear mysteriously

xiào zhú yán kāi笑逐颜开beam with smiles/delight

yào wǔ yáng wēi耀武扬威flaunt one's power

gān dǎn xiāng zhào肝胆相照be devoted to friends or other people heart and soul

dǎn dà wàng wéi胆大妄为bold and reckless

téng yún jià wù腾云驾雾mount the clouds and ride the mist by means of magic power; feel giddy

shě shēng wàng sǐ舍生忘死disregard one's own safety

cǎo mù jiē bīng草木皆兵Every bush and tree seems an enemy.

yuè rán zhǐ shàng跃然纸上show forth in one's writing

chóng jiàn tiān rì重见天日see the sun and sky again

qīng chū yú lán青出于蓝The pupil surpasses the master.

gǔ shòu rú chái骨瘦如柴as thin as sticks

gāo tán kuò lùn高谈阔论give a long and pompous speech

yú mǐ zhī xiāng鱼米之乡land of fish and rice

qí tóu bìng jìn齐头并进advance side by side

zī yá liě zuǐ龇牙咧嘴look fierce; contort one's face in agony

lóng fēi fèng wǔ龙飞凤舞lively and vigorous; grand and zigzagging

yī jǔ chéng míng一举成名become famous overnight

qīn mì wú jiàn亲密无间be on very intimate terms with each other

rén jì hǎn zhì人迹罕至deserted

jiào kǔ bù dié叫苦不迭pour out one's endless grievances

hòu jì yǒu rén后继有人have qualified successors

yōu guó yōu mín忧国忧民be concerned about one's country and one's people

zhī fán yè mào枝繁叶茂be prosperous

xiōng yǒng péng pài汹涌澎湃surging

zhī nán ér jìn知难而进advance despite difficulties

zhī nán ér tuì知难而退beat a retreat in the face of difficulties

lù lù wú wéi碌碌无为leading a vain and humdrum life

róng rǔ yǔ gòng荣辱与共share honour or disgrace

zǒu jiē chuàn xiàng走街串巷make rounds of streets and alley ways

rén jiān tiān táng人间天堂heaven on earth

biàn huà duō duān变化多端be the most changeful

jiān rěn bù bá坚忍不拔firm and indomitable

jú cù bù ān局促不安be disconcerted

huǎng huǎng hū hū恍恍惚惚be quite confused and stupefied

cái huá héng yì才华横溢be full of wit

áng shǒu tǐng xiōng昂首挺胸hold up one's head and throw out one's chest

lèi rú quán yǒng泪如泉涌The tears run like a bubbling spring.

yí huò bù jiě疑惑不解be completely bewildered

shén mì mò cè神秘莫测unfathomable

yī shān lán lǚ衣衫褴褛be dressed/clad in rags

zàn tàn bù yǐ赞叹不已be full of praise

jiǒng rán bù tóng迥然不同not in the least alike

chóng chóng dié dié重重叠叠layer after layer

mò mò wú yán默默无言remain silent/speechless

āo tū bù píng凹凸不平full of bumps and holes

nián yú gǔ xī年逾古稀advanced in age

yōu rán zì dé悠然自得be carefree and content

huān hū què yuè欢呼雀跃shout and jump for joy

wèi wéi zhuàng guān蔚为壮观make a magnificent view/sight