专业specialization; specialized profession
会考unified examination for students
及格pass a test, an examination, etc.
它it; [used as a meaningless mock object]
怕be afraid of; be unable to bear
成achievement; in considerable numbers or amounts
担carry on a shoulder pole; shoulder
更衣室changing/dressing/locker room; toilet
望look/gaze into the distance; plenilune
泼splash; rude and unreasonable
烧烤barbecue; barbecued or grilled meats
熟悉know something or somebody well; be familiar with
绩twist hempen thread; accomplishment
认真take seriously; conscientious
设计design; hatch/work out a scheme/plan/plot
轻light; small in number, degree, etc.
筑13-stringed musical instrument similar to the zither; another name for Guiyang