YCT level IV

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Youth Chinese Test Level 4.

zhōng jiān中间among; centre

jiè shào介绍introduce; recommend

yǐ wéi以为think

jièborrow; lend

tíngstop; stop over

dōngwinter; rat-tat

jué dìng决定decide; determine

zhǔn bèi准备prepare; intend

liáng kuai凉快nice and cool; cool oneself

jiǎnsubtract from the total or a certain number; decrease

chū fā出发set forth/off/out; proceed from

jiāput one thing on top of another; put in

nǔ lì努力make an effort/efforts to do something; with one's best efforts

běi fāng北方north; the northern part of the country

nánsouth; southern part of China

cān jiā参加attend; give

cān guān参观visit

fā shāo发烧run a temperature; be infatuated with

biàn huà变化change in the state or nature of things;change

kě néng可能possible; probably

tóng yì同意agree with

tīng shuō听说listen and speak; hear/learn of/about

gào su告诉tell

xiǎngecho; sound

yuánround; circle

fù xí复习review

xiàsummer; Xia Dynasty

gòuquite; reach

qí guài奇怪strange; unexpected

hǎo xiàng好像be a bit like; as if

hài pà害怕be scared

xiǎo xīn小心take care; careful

chángtaste; try

dàibelt; take

xìng fú幸福happiness; felicity

yīng gāi应该should

kāi huì开会meet

kāi shǐ开始begin;set about

wàng jì忘记forget; overlook

dàiwear something on the head, face, neck, chest, arm, etc.; put on

dǎ sǎo打扫sweep

dǎ rǎo打扰disturb; be received

dǎ suàn打算plan; plan

dǎ zhēn打针give an injection

dān xīn担心worry; concern

guàhang; be concerned about

huànexchange; change

pái duì排队queue

jiēcome close to; connect

bānchange the location of; move from one place to another

fàngset free; give way to

fàng jià放假have a day off

jiàoteach; ask

gǎnhave the courage; brave

sàn bù散步go for a walk or stroll

fāng biàn方便convenient; make easier for

lǚ yóu旅游travel

míng bai明白clear; open

chūn jì春季spring

bì yè毕业graduation

zhù yì注意pay attention to


zhào xiàng照相take a picture/photographs/photos

zhào gù照顾give consideration to; give preferential treatment

cāiguess; speculate

tiánsweet; happy

yònguse; use

be broken; break down

zhù hè祝贺congratulate

lí kāi离开leave

qiūharvest season; autumn

zhànstand; stop

děngequal; class

liàn xí练习practice; exercises for schoolwork

liáo tiān r聊天儿chat

lián xì联系contact; link

cōng ming聪明clever

tuōcast; take off

huāflower; ornamental plant

xínggo; something about travelling

biǎo yǎn表演perform; demonstrate

西west;the occident

jiàn miàn见面meet; contact

tǎo lùn讨论discuss

jì de记得remember

jiǎngspeak; as far as something is concerned

qǐ lai起来stand up; rise


mí lù迷路lose one's way; labyrinth

xuǎn zé选择select

xǐngregain consciousness; wake up

duàn liàn锻炼forge; train

fù jìn附近nearby; vicinity

shòu bu liǎo受不了be unable to endure

tán gāng qín弹钢琴play the piano

shuā yá刷牙brush one's teeth

liú hàn流汗sweat

pá shān爬山climb mountains

qí mǎ骑马horse riding

gǎn xìng qù感兴趣be interested