CC 301 A

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Conversational Chinese 301 A.

yī huì r一会儿a little while; in a while

yī yàng一样the same; same as

bù hǎo yì si不好意思embarrassed; find it embarrassing/difficult

bù yòng不用need not; disuse

bù cuò不错correct; yes

wèi shén me为什么why

shìaccident; work

jiāohand over; meet

cóngfollow; join

yǐ qián以前earlier times

yǐ hòu以后after

jià qián价钱price

jiàn kāng健康healthy; in normal condition

xiàngbe like; portrait

xiānfirst; earlier

xiān sheng先生teacher; Mister

gōng sī公司company

chū zū qì chē出租汽车taxi

huárow; be to one's profit

jù chǎng剧场theater

dòng wù yuán动物园zoo

calorie; card

qù nián去年last year

yǒu yì友谊friendship

sentence; measure word for sentences

gào su告诉tell

kā fēi咖啡coffee; coffee powder

āi yā哎呀wow; oh

pí jiǔ啤酒beer

xǐ huan喜欢like; happy

dì tiě地铁metro; subway train

wài bian外边out; place other than where one lives or works

dà jiā大家everybody; great master

dà gài大概general idea; approximate

tiān qì天气weather; time

xuéstudy; imitate

wánintact; complete

kè qi客气polite; be modest

gān bēi干杯drink a toast

yīng gāi应该should

kāiopen; open out

dāng rán当然certainly; natural: naturally


yú kuài愉快happy

gǎn xiè感谢thank

mànslow; rude

dǎ dī打的go by taxi

take; seize

jiēcome close to; connect

shōuarrest; gain

wǎn diǎn晚点be behind schedule

zuìmost;number one

yǒu yì si有意思be significant; interesting

fú wù yuán服务员attendant; odd-jobmen

jī chǎng机场airport

zá jì杂技acrobatics

tiáotwig; long narrow piece

order; rest stop

bì yè毕业graduation

shuǐwater; a general term for rivers, lakes, seas, etc.

yǎnperform; drill

kǎo yā烤鸭roast duck

hot; heat

zhào xiàng jī照相机camera

xióng māo熊猫panda

zhēntrue; really

writing or drawing instrument; technique of writing, calligraphy or drawing

auxiliary word for ordinal numbers; mansion/residence of a high official

jīng lǐ经理manage; manager

fān yì翻译translate; translator

kǎo shì考试take an examination; examination

zì xíng chē自行车bicycle


chátea; tea

càivegetable; food

xínggo; something about travelling

cí diǎn词典dictionary

mào yì贸易trade

fèicost; fee

qǐ fēi起飞take off; get off to a good start

gēnfollow; heel

xīn kǔ辛苦hard; go to great trouble

hái shi还是still;or

sòngaccompany somebody to his destination; give


shùn lì顺利successful

fēi jī飞机plane

jiǎo zi饺子dumpling

ride; horse or other animals one rides

fish; a surname

má fan麻烦troublesome; put somebody to trouble

míng cài名菜speciality dish

dōng jīng东京Tokyo

fēn zhōng分钟minute

hǎo chī好吃tasty

biéleave; differentiate


tōnglead to; through

běi hǎi gōng yuán北海公园Beihai Park [the former Imperial Winter Palace in Beijing]
