CC 301 A

Chinese textbooks
Here are all the words you need to know in Conversational Chinese 301 A.

yī diǎn r一点儿thimbleful; tiny

shǎngfalling-rising tone

rén mín bì人民币Renminbi

jiànitem; letter

huìassemble; meet

pián yi便宜cheap; unearned gains


guān jī关机unplug an electrical device; finish shooting of a film

zàitwice; recur

lěngcold; deserted

chūproceed from inside to outside; appear

dàoarrive; thoughtful

kě lè可乐Coca Cola; funny

kě yǐ可以be worth; passable

hào mǎ号码number

tīng shuō听说listen and speak; hear/learn of/about

shòu piào yuán售票员ticket seller

shòu huò yuán售货员shop assistant

drink; drink alcohol

guócountry; of the nation

dì tú地图map

kuàichunk; piece

duōmuch; exceed the expected/intended quantity

big; heavy

tiānsky; day

tàocover; overlap

hǎo kàn好看good looking; interesting

xiǎosmall; of short duration

xiǎo jiě小姐young lady; sex worker

chángtaste; try

dàibelt; take

bāngside or upper; aid

lù yīn录音tape; sound-recording

kuàihurry up; pleased

niànthink of; consider

zěn me yàng怎么样how; used in the negative as an euphemism

xiǎngthink; want to


zhǎolook for; approach

tiāocarry things on either end of a shoulder pole; choose

huànexchange; change

shǔcount; be reckoned as

jīnax; jin, a unit of weight

xīnnew; unused

shí jiān时间time; time

běnstem or root of plants; original

běn zi本子book; edition

bēicup; trophy

yàngshape; sample

jú zi橘子tangerine tree

máohair; mildew

máo yī毛衣woolen sweater

hàn zì汉字Chinese character

zhào xiàng照相take a picture/photographs/photos

píngbottle; the quantity contained in a bottle, vase or jar

shēng cí生词new word

diànlightning; electricity

diàn huà电话telephone; phone call

bǎihundred; all

duǎnbrief; lack

duǎn xìn短信short letter; text message

piàoticket; ballot paper

chuān穿penetrate; pass

zhànstand; stop

děngequal; class

jì niàn纪念commemorate; memento

gěigive; make somebody suffer

měi yuán美元US dollar

néngability; able

píng guǒ苹果apple

yíng yè yuán营业员shop assistant

yī fu衣服clothing

yàomain points; important

shìtry; examination

shuōspeak; explain

guìexpensive; of high rank

chēvehicle; tool with wheel and axle

háistill; also

zhè yàng这样like this; this way

inside; inner

qiáncopper coin; money

chánglong; length

fàn diàn饭店eating place; hotel

yǐn liào饮料drink

zhōng guó中国China

bié de别的other

jiǎohorn; antenna

yìn dù ní xī yà印度尼西亚Indonesia

kě kǒu kě lè可口可乐Coca-Cola

rì běn日本Japan

fǎ guó法国France

yīng guó英国Britain

xuě bì雪碧sprite

xià chē下车alight from

hán guó韩国South Korea

shǎofew; be short of

shùnumber; several

zhǒngseed; species

jí le极了very

běi jīng shī fàn dà xué北京师范大学Beijing Normal University